
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Back to Blogging after a long long while :)

Yeah Finally I'm Back :) Life is been Ok la soso la Lol :) Got myself involve with a shoot recently at Kl and Penang called Miss Universe Malaysia 2010. It was awesome experience and I was trained to use the Macbook Pro and Nikon D90 for the Casting Call. First day was at One world Hotel and we had like 18 contestants that turn up, if I am not mistaken and a week after that we proceeded to Penang and stayed at Cititel where the 2rd cast was also being held. Not many turn up but still we had so much fun and personally I have learn so so much. I am very happy and thankfull to have people like Patrick Lim, Mae, Eugenie, Andrea, Jenn Lim, and JoJo, to look up too and learn from. THANKS PEOPLE! Its also such a blessing to have met such a awesome sister in Christ during the event, She has a heart thats is really on fire for Christ Jesus and is always wanting to glorify the Lord in every way :) I'm so so proud of her indeed :) and of course I'm meant Zoe Lee :) Wishing her all the best for her competition. In the same time while working on the Mum cast in penang The Lord also open my eyes to show me the situation of his creations in penang and spoke to me very clearly. Basicly I felt God saying to me that as Christians we must go back on fire and be extremely active for street ministries espicially for Penang where I personally saw many homeless people on the streets of Penang and prostitution are also highly active there. What are we still doing in our comfort zones when there are still people out there suffering, We should move out there to Penang and spread the word of God to these people so that they can except Christ as their personal savior and have eternal life. May the Lord heal and continue to move in the city and streets of Penang.

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